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Writer's pictureCath Short

Immune Booster Tips

How did this happen? We have an entered an age where by we only seem to treat the symptoms of illness instead of addressing the cause.

Our bodies are incredible things and, given the right tools, are able to fight infection and repair damaged cells. Unfortunately our typical Western diets do little to promote good gut health which has a negative impact on our immune system. We breathe in toxic air, eat nutrient depleted and chemical laden foods and ignore the warning signs of poor health.

We live in a time of high stress, poor sleep, and unhealthy lifestyle choices: and we are paying for it. While we continue to ignore our health and continuously rely on pharmaceutical drugs we fail ourselves, our children and our future.

It is actually easier than you may think to improve your health. Without making this too complicated I have come up with some realistic immune booster tips. I hope you find it useful. 

Immune booster tips by Menopause Reset Cath Short

🍉   START YOUR DAY WITH LEMON WATER - alkaline-forming and highly detoxifying it is the best way to flush out a load of toxins and start your day healthy.

🍉   TAKE A PROBIOTIC - probiotics are literally health beneficial micro-organisms that help to build your healthy gut flora and as a result will improve your immune system. If you really need to take antibiotics then be sure to follow it up with a course of probiotics to get you back on track.

🍉   EAT RAW GARLIC - garlic is Mother Nature's answer to antibiotics so try to include raw garlic in your diet. Make a raw pesto or add to a salad dressing.

🍉   EAT MORE FRUIT AND VEG - sounds obvious but certain foods contain prebiotics which feed the good bacteria in your gut. Jerusalem artichokes, garlic, leeks, asparagus, celery, apples and bananas are all good prebiotic providers. Fruit and veg also contain infection-fighting, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds. EAT THE RAINBOW!

🍉   GET MOVING - exercise produces more blood cells that can attack invading pathogens.

🍉   GET MORE SLEEP - whilst we are sleeping our body is hard a work fixing and rebuilding. Good sleep helps to preserve good immune health.

🍉   TAKE LIPOSOMAL VITAMIN C - normal vitamin C supplements are lucky to survive the hydrochloric acid in our stomachs. If you take liposomal vit C then the vitamin is protected by lecithin and can find its way to your intestines where it can be absorbed in to your blood stream. Not cheap but worth every penny if your immune system is down.

🍉   CATCH SOME RAYS - research shows that vitamin D is a powerful immune system booster.  Careful not to burn! Early morning and late afternoon sun is best when you don't need to use sun block so you can let all the good stuff in. 

🍉   EAT LESS REFINED SUGAR - sugar is one of the main inflammatory foods on the planet and also impairs the bodies ability to fight bacteria. Get off the white stuff! Try a natural sweetener like stevia but stay clear of artificial sweeteners like aspartame. I like to sweeten cakes with a syrup made from dates and almond milk. It's still sugar, but totally natural and designed for consumption.

🍉   RECIPES Here are two handy immune boosting recipes for prevention and cure. Just load up on the good stuff and feel your health improve. My delicious Cold Buster Smoothie and an Immune Booster Tonic by the Green Smoothie Girl. 

Just remember 'we are what we eat'. So if we fuel our bodies with energising, healthy, live foods then we will feel energised, healthy and alive! Let's do this!  🍉🍊🍒🍏🍆🍇

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